Proud Union Shop.

Project Breakdown

Melanie for New Mexico

  • Acquisition
  • Digital Ads
  • Email
  • Fundraising
  • GOTV
  • Persuasion
  • Texting


Activate voters and donors during an off-year special election — after a major Democratic election, when voter engagement was at its lowest — and convey candidate’s message to a multilingual electorate.

Outcome Won the first big test for House Democrats of 2021

New Blue ran a highly effective and aggressive bi-lingual paid communications strategy—in a conservative media market—that stayed true to the campaign’s message and core values.

The Results

$500,000 raised on digital

Broke fundraising records, including the state record for congressional quarterly fundraising.

Over 190,000 New Mexicans reached

Overperformed the district by 6.6 points.

Nearly 300% Active universe growth

With an ROI on paid acquisition of more than 300%.

Up next.

EDF Action - Reed Awards Winner.

Our award-winning work for EDF Action is an example of our Micro-targeted influencer campaigns which are effective strategies for fundraising, driving action, and addressing the issues that so many advocacy groups face: an aging base and a fracturing of their core audience. Overall, our influencer campaigns see a 5%-10% instant upsell for our clients in fundraising, drive […]